Home DBCE News & Events 8th SEED Council Induction Program

8th SEED Council Induction Program

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8th SEED Council

The installation of the members ‘of the Students Association (SEEDS) 8th Council for the academic Year 2020-2021 was held on the March 25, 2021. The Chief guest for this occasion was Mr. VSS Sastry.

 It began with a prayer for mother earth, followed by ‘Nurturing of SEEDS’, symbolized by the watering of a plant by all the dignitaries,Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz , Principal Dr. Neena Panandikar, Registrar Dr. Kala Nayak,, and the SEEDS faculty coordinators Prof. Ulpa Waingankar and Prof. Maya Lin Noronha . The Dignitaries were then escorted to the dais.

 The newly elected SEEDS members were administered the oath by HOD of Science and Humanities Dr. Kala Nayak, followed by the outgoing committee handing over their badges to the new committee. SEEDS faculty coordinators Prof. Ulpa Waingankar welcomed the guests, the faculty, the new and the outgoing SEEDS members, the students and everyone present on the occasion. She thanked the out-going members for their zeal, cooperation and enthusiasm in making SEEDS 2019-2020 a success.

 Dr. Neena Panandikar in her address mentioned about IIC, Student satellite club, E-cell, the incubation centre and all the activities conducted in DBCE. Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz congratulated the outgoing committee on a successful term and wished the new committee with good luck. He also narrated a story about Alfred Nobel and quote by Charles Reade.

8th SEED Council 1

The Chief guest in his address congratulated the students for getting admission into engineering, also stating that this is the best time for being engineers with due reference to the New Educational Policy (NEP) in India in which it is said that this policy would help students to achieve great success in the 4th industrial revolution. He also advised the students to learn as many languages as possible, with at least one international language apart from English. He asked the students to get used to as many softwares as possible, take notes in class and make best use of digitalization by using Mooc platforms like NPTEL, Coursera etc.

The new Chairperson Mr. Leo Barros, read out the plans for SEEDS 2021 in which he mentioned about different competitions in different fields that would be organized in the next few months with active participation from the students. The outgoing committee was awarded mementos and a letter of appreciation, by Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz. The ceremony ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Maya Lin Noronha followed by a brief photo-shoot. First year student Miss. Kritha Rajan anchored the whole program.

As all the students couldn’t be present on 25th March due to the pandemic situation, the recording of the whole Induction program was presented to the students on-line via Google meet, of which the two links were shared.

Students were requested to send their videos/photos of the four competitions that were held, namely: 1) Poem writing- for which the students had to send a video of themselves reciting the poem, 2) Photography- for which a photo had to be sent along with a caption, 3) Poster making- wherein students had to make a video of themselves explaining their poster and 4) Essay writing- wherein students had to send a pdf of their essay. Videos of all 6 participants in poem and 3 in poster making and a combined power point presentation of all 7 participants in photography were presented virtually. Overall, it was a good competition to witness and the programme was a success.


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