Home DBCE News & Events Installation Ceremony of the DBCE Student Council 2023-24

Installation Ceremony of the DBCE Student Council 2023-24

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Don Bosco College of Engineering always strives to inculcate a sense ofresponsibility and commitment among the students with their heads held high, ready to shoulder responsibilities as leaders.

An installation ceremony was organized on 16th October 2023 for the newly elected student council members for the academic year 2023-24. It was a proud moment for the elected students being invested with great responsibilities while embarking on a new journey as leaders.

Those present on the occasion were Director, Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz, Principal, Dr. Neena Panandikar, Registrar, Dr. Kala Nayak, the heads of the departments, students council faculty co-ordinator Mr. Harison Cota, the cultural, sports & magazine incharges and the newly elected student council members.

At the outset Principal, Dr. Neena Panandikar welcomed the gathering and congratulated the student council members and wished them the very best as leaders. She urged the council members to read the students council guidelines handbook and the student’s handbook to abide by the rules.

Director, Fr. Kinley D’Cruz in his message to the council members said “Encourage your classmates to take part in all events, whether technical, cultural or sports. You will always have the support of the staff and the management”. He further told them to work in helping the weaker section in the class, especially in academics.

The student council members then received their prestigious badges at the hands of the Director, Principal and Registrar. They were administered the oath by the Registrar, where they pledged to work earnestly and uphold the honor and glory of the institution.

The Cultural Secretary, Mr. Abhishek Dias, the Sports Secretary Mr. Samuel Miranda and the Magazine Secretary, Mr. Aadarsh Chodankar gave a brief overview of the tentative plan for the year 2023-24. The General Secretary Mr. Varun Castello proposed the Vote of Thanks.

The ceremony concluded with refreshments and a formal photograph.


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