Home DBCE News & Events Vidnyan Dhara Sessions conducted by Dr. Shreyas Simu

Vidnyan Dhara Sessions conducted by Dr. Shreyas Simu

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On 8th January 2025, two informative talks on Machine Learning (ML) and its applications were conducted for school students at Vivekananda Dnyan Mandir High School, Ghoteli No:1, Keri, Sattari, Goa, and PM SHRI L.H.B.D. Government High School, Thane, Sattari, Goa. The primary objective of these sessions was to introduce young learners to the field of ML, its fundamental concepts, and its practical applications in daily life. The talks aimed to ignite curiosity among students about emerging technologies and inspire them to explore future opportunities.

The first session took place at Vivekananda Dnyan Mandir High School from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and was attended by around 60 students from grade 9. The session began with an introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, where basic concepts such as algorithms, datasets, and model training were explained using real-world examples. The students were particularly intrigued by the examples of ML applications in fields such as healthcare, agriculture, education, and entertainment. Ethical considerations in AI and ML were also discussed, highlighting the importance of responsible innovation. The session concluded with an engaging Q&A segment, where students asked thought-provoking questions about the future of AI.

The second session was conducted at PM SHRI L.H.B.D. Government High School from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., with approximately 50 students from grades 8 to 9 in attendance. This session focused on helping students understand how machines “learn” from data. Examples such as facial recognition technology and voice assistants were used to illustrate how ML is already a part of their daily lives. The talk also emphasized how ML can address global challenges, such as predicting natural disasters and improving agricultural practices. The students actively participated in brainstorming sessions, offering ideas on how ML could benefit their local community.

The feedback from both students and teachers was overwhelmingly positive. Many students expressed excitement about the topic and a keen interest in learning more about AI and ML, with a particular fascination for applications like self-driving cars and personalized recommendations.


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