TE Computer attend Seminar on NODE JS (Beyond the Syllabus)
The Department of Computer Engineering in association with C-CODES arranged a Seminar on NODE JS which was held in the Computer Dept Laboratory on 24th February 2018. The session was attended by 30 students of T.E Computers. The coordinators for the talk were Prof. Gaurang Patkar, Prof. Merwyn D’Souza, Prof Amey Tilve and Prof Siya Naik. The resource person for the lecture was Mr.Adnan Sayed Founder of ONE STOP solution who explained about Node JS . Mr.Adnan introduced and explained Node JS . He started with basics of Html, Css and Javascript which are all scripting languages required for website development. All the students were explained about the languages and some hands-on sessions were carried out.
As a token of appreciation a memento was awarded to the resource person at the hands of Prof. Gaurang Patkar -HOD Computer department. The session was concluded with a vote of thanks by Prof. Merwyn D’Souza,C-Codes Coordinator.