7th installation of D-BEATS and Inauguration of Technical Festival TECHNOVA 2018
The 7th installation of DBEATS (Don Bosco Electronics and Telecommunication Society) Council was held on 12th October 2018 at 10.00 a.m in the college Auditorium. The Chief Guest for the function was Mr. Sameer Neugui, Associate Consultant at TCS. The occasion was graced by the presence of the Rector, Rev. Fr. Paul D’Souza, Director, Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz, Principal, Dr. Neena Panandikar, Head of ETC Department, Prof. Michelle Viegas, DBEATS & Event coordinator, Prof. Deron Rodrigues and DBEATS coordinator, Prof. D.S.Vidhya.
The Ceremony commenced with a prayer and lighting of traditional lamp by the dignitaries. A video with the glimpses of D-BEATS activities for the academic year 2017-18 was shown which was followed by an introduction to the first inter collegiate technical fest ‘TECHNOVA’. The DBEATS Council for 2018-19 was introduced by Prof. Deron Rodrigues. Thereafter, the council members took an oath to work effectively towards the functioning of DBEATS.
Principal, Dr. Neena Panandikar, in her address appreciated the efforts of the faculty of Department of ETC for signing MoU, setting up the student’s satellite club, IEEE student’s chapter and motivated students to participate in project competitions.
Taking the punch line further “Imagine Innovate Inspire” Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz in his address encouraged the students to strive toward achieving these goals.
The Chief Guest, Mr. Sameer Neugui, was introduced by Ms. Lasandra Fernandes. In his address, the chief guest cited the importance of organizing and participating in such events that helps in the overall development of an individual and inculcates values like leadership, teamwork and management qualities that make the students industry ready.
Distinction and first class students of the final year 2017-18 and former DBEATS council members were also felicitated.
As a token of appreciation, Rev. Fr. Paul D’Souza presented a memento to the chief guest. Subsequently, Prof. D.S.Vidhya proposed a vote of thanks and ‘TECHNOVA 2018’ was declared open.