Home DBCE News & Events Report on “PCB Design and Fabrication” Workshop

Report on “PCB Design and Fabrication” Workshop

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PCB Design and fabrication

To fulfil the Industry goals and requirements, the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication (ETC) Engineering of DBCE in association with Fiire (Forum for Innovation Incubation  Research and Entrepreneurship) and IETE conducted a one day workshop on “PCB Design and Fabrication” on the 17th Oct, 2019, as a part of the tech feast “Technova 2019”.

The workshop started with an introductory and interactive talk on “PCB Design”. The resource person for the workshop was Mr. Toshal Madkaikar, Alumni of Don Bosco College of Engineering.

The circuit implemented on the PCB was an “Astable Multivibrator”.

Firstly the students were given brief explanation on the different stages involved in PCB designing. They were then given a hands-on training on Eagle Software, where the instructor took them step by step through Schematic creation, ERC, Netlist generation, Layout design, and DRC.

This was followed by Gerber and G-Code generation using Nvis Software which is required by the Nvis PCB Prototype Machine. The students were taught to generate Gerber and G-Codes for Milling, Engraving and Drilling, which were then imported to the PCB Prototype Machine. The students were shown how to use the Nvis PCB Prototype Machine for the PCB creation.

The coordinators for the workshop were Asst. Prof. Flavia Leitao and Asst. Prof. Melba D’Souza.

The students showed great zeal and enthusiasm in designing the PCB and the satisfaction and joy to see the final PCB was overwhelming. The workshop was a fruitful and a very successful event.


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