Home Research & Development Activities BOOT CAMP on Innovation by E-Cell and GSInC

BOOT CAMP on Innovation by E-Cell and GSInC

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E-Cell of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda, Goa organized a virtual BOOT CAMP for E-Cell Students from First Year and Second Year of Engineering on  November 27,2021 from 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. via Zoom in collaboration with Goa State Innovation Council (GSInC). Mrs. Avila Naik, Training & Placement Officer and E-Cell Convener welcomed the speakers and thanked the E-Cell Faculty Team – Dr. Shreyas Simu, Mr. Manjunath Narwate, Mrs. Mathilda Colaco, Mr. Amey Shet Tilve, and Mr. Satyesh Kakodkar for their support towards the E-Cell activities. Mr. Sudip Faldesai, Project Officer at Goa State Innovation Council introduced the attendees to the well-equipped Prototyping Laboratory at Don Bosco College of Engineering Campus that the students at the college can avail of.  He also mentioned about the schemes available for the different innovations put forward by the students such as the scheme for Patent Filing under Virtual Innovation Register (VIR) that safeguards unique innovations and ideas, validating them with substantial incentives or schemes to provide aid too. He introduced the next dynamic speaker Ms. Divya Kakkar, Business Mindset Coach who enlightened the students about an idea that can be implemented someday into a new start-up. She mentioned some methods on how to generate ideas like defragmentation; disintermediation; by bridging the supply and demand gap with new combinations, by growing one’s followers and she also mentioned an amazing idea which is to introduce globally successful ideas to a target media by changing certain details concerning one’s target customers. She said, “You need to visualize your idea with your clients and see if their needs are met and if there is anything else you need to provide.” The next speaker Mr. Damodar Pai Patnekar, Co-founder – Bodhami narrated his entrepreneurial journey. Recently he received National Start-up Award, and his start-up is in the top 5 start-ups in Goa to get the seed grant of 10 lakhs. As a start-up from Goa, he has over 1200 counsellors and HRs working with over 25000 students in more than 250 schools. He explained that it is valuable to start small to keep the cost manageable. He said that he faced several problems but then he made it a point to study the market growth to understand market, he needed to approach his clients and their opinions and their feedbacks. He elaborated, “You need to find the right candidates for you and the right role fitment for the candidates.” The main business focus areas are growth, cost reduction, agility, and customer engagement. One needs to know what the customers need and think about the future of the start-up. The Boot Camp truly helped the students think about the new and wide range of opportunities available for them in the future as job providers. Mr. Krish Sharma, FE Civil in his vote of thanks expressed gratitude on behalf of the E-Cell to Mr. Sudip Faldesai and Goa State Innovation Council for organizing the BOOT CAMP at the college and for arranging sessions by amazing speakers.


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