C-CODES in association with the Department of Computer Engineering of Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE) organized a technical talk on “MEAN STACK AND LOW CODE”. The speaker for the session was Mr. Joshua Salema, alumnus of DBCE 2016 Batch, who currently works as a system analyst at ZiMetrics Technologies Pvt Ltd. This talk was held for first year computer engineering students on March 30, 2022. The faculty coordinators for the event were Dr. Gaurang Patkar and Prof. Siya Naik.
The Speaker dived deep into MEAN stack and explained what MEAN is, he explained, M stand for Mongo db, E for Express, A for Angular and N for Node js. With Angular being frontend, Mango db being the database and Express being the backend framework and Node js the backend runtime environment.
He also spoke about Low-code which is a software development approach that requires little to no coding in order to build applications and processes. He gave examples of OutSystems and Salesforce which are Low-code development tools..At the end he spoke about the latest technologies which are being used in the industry.
The session ended with question and answer round. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Gaurang Patkar, Head of Department of Computer Engineering.