Report of Panel Discussion organized by IIC in Association with Goa State Innovation Council on ‘Innovation and Start up Ecosystem enables from the Region/ State/ National Level’

Institution Innovation Council of Don Bosco College of Engineering organized a panel discussion on “Innovation and Start up Ecosystem enables from the Region/State/National Level”, on July 08, 2022. The discussion was moderated by Mr. Sanath Bharne –Student of BE Mechanical. The panelists were; Mr. Sudip Faldessai Project Officer, GSinC, Miss Ruchira Faldessai, Faculty of Business Management and Economics & Mr. Haroon Sayyad, Goan Entreprenuer. More than 60 participants attended the penal discussion. Prof. Dr. Suraj Marathe, the faculty coordinator of the panel discussion, set the tone of the webinar and welcomed everyone. He also explained the purpose of IIC and its objectives.
Mr. Sanath Bharne took over as the moderator and opened with a a motivational poem written by him and than explained in brief the topic of the discussion. He also welcomed the panelist on stage and greeted them with an momemto specially 3D printed for the occasion. Then he introduced the panelists, and the discussion began. The panelist started with their opening statements where in they explained to the audience the importance, significance & definition of what a start up eco system means and the basic difference between a start up and enterprenuership, while explaining the same Mr Sudip also gave an example where he told students to consider a business from whom they would by gift articles for say haldi kumkum, the businessman has to get it from somewhere and provide it locally for a limited customer audience where as if the same businessman puts his business online, where in he opens possibilities to acquire a bigger market makes his business eligible to called a startup.

Further while discussing on the topic the morderater tuned the discussion towards the importance of innovation and also discussed about the key focus point where a entrepreneurial mind should look after to make his or her business more likely to be a big success, Mr Haroon said that whenever you think of an idea it will not be unique 99.9 % of the times and it need not be bt it is important to find ways to make it better than whats available, to increase or add the value to the product or service you wish to provide.
The panelist also spoke about the need of basic auditing and accounting skills, also spoke about varies methods one can acquire these skills. When we are in an engineering college the exposure to basic commerce knowledge lacks in students as they are not expected to be good at it but when a person aspires to be an entrepreneur he or she has to acquire the needed skills as it may not be possible initially to hire professionals or to even rely on them blindly. To this Ms Ruchira also spoke about consultants that look after such affairs of a start-up in return of equity in the business this makes it easier for the founder as this reduces their liability at the same time makes it highly profitable for the consultants if the business does well.
While the discussion advanced The Morderator Mr Bharne asked the panelist about the importance of Location while one starts a business to which Mr Sudip said it really does mater where one starts as its not always possible to come out with an finished product without having known the the insight of the public for which some preffer to come to places like Goa which is a small state with small population but diverse and with technologillay updated citizens where it becomes easier to test and predict the response a product or service would get in the real market.
Finally, the moderator asked each of the panelists to give their concluding statements. He then concluded the discussion by mentioning the key points from the discussion and then requested Mr Omkar Bhandari to present the vote of thanks. The vote of thanks was presented and then participants were directed to proceed towards to pantry for refreshments.