On December 2, 2022, E-cell members of Don Bosco College of Engineering organized an event ‘Avinya’ that had a tagline “where passion meets ambition”. As the name itself suggests ‘Avinya’ which means ‘innovation’ this event entirely focused on bringing out the inner entrepreneurs from the minds of our youth and to give them a platform to share their unique and innovative ideas which would contribute to shape them into future entrepreneurs
Our honorable chief guest ‘Mr. Ramrao S.Wagh’, Director ‘Fr. Kinley D’Cruz’, Principal ‘Dr. Neena Panandikar’, Registrar & HOD of science and humanities department Dr. Kala Nayak, Entrepreneurship cell convenor ‘Prof. Amey K.Shet Tilve’ and E-cell chairman Mr. Shubham Tendulkar were on hand to open and inaugurate Avinya 1.0. Mr. Ramrao S. Wagh is an Associate Professor of Computer Science & Technology, Goa University. He urged the students saying “try to solve the problems which are related to society or industry, and also don’t sell your startup to larger organization rather try to grow it to larger scale”. There were events like Pitch it, BizzWizz, Brand Wave, Eureka and Business to Brand. The enthusiasm among the participants was fascinating.
Pitch It – was judged by Judged by Mr. Abhishek Singh, Mr. Vikrant Karandikar and Mr. Mudit Agarwal
Eureka was judged by Judged by Mr. Debasis Doki, Ms. Kanan Tandi
BrandWave was judged by Judged by Mr. Rajay Naik, Mr. Prasad Deshpande.
Business to brand was judged by Judged by Mr. Venugopal, Mrs. Rina Barreto
All the events were perfectly executed, which gave exposure to all the young entrepreneurs, participating and non participating, and gave platform to showcase their inner talents. Overall, this was an eventful happening and a great success.
For the valedictory function, honourable chief guest for the function were Mr. Abhishek Prabudha, Founder and CEO Addup Networks Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Abhishek Prabhudha addressed the gathering and highlighted “the three aspects that are required for entrepreneur are Integrity, Courage and Handling failures which are required to be a successful entrepreneur”.
The event witnessed more the 300 participants to showcase their inner entrepreneurs. The valedictory function concluded by giving away the prizes to the winners.
The E- cell convenor Prof. Amey K. Shet Tilve, faculty coordinators Prof. Satyesh Kakodkar , Prof. Sanjeel Naik, Prof. Mathilda Colaco and Dr. Shreyas Simu, E-cell chairman Mr. Shubham Tendulkar, secretary Mr. Vadiraj Inamdar and treasurer Ms. Gauravi Kamat, executive coordinators Mr. Nikhil Rao, Mr. Pranav Naik, Mr. Jovan Pinto, Mr. Krish Sharma and Mr. Prathamesh Chandgadkar, took the initiative and organised this event.
The report was compiled by Ms. Vanshika Gupta, an FE-ECS student.