AICTE-UKIERI Technical Leadership Programme
Prof. Gaurang S Patkar attended phase two of one week UKIERI program in Rajasthan. The second phase program of UKIERI (UK- India Education & Research Initiative) is aimed at providing an overview of the key leadership and management challenges facing educational practitioners today, with a focus on the application of effective leadership and management techniques and their beneficial impact on departmental and institutional performance.
The Second phase of the training was completed at JIET, Jodhpur, Rajasthan from December 9th –12th 2019. The major focus of this phase was leadership & management skills, different leadership styles, motivational theory & styles, discovering the challenges across technical education etc. The participants across India were also asked to choose a Change Project to bring change in their respective institutes. The final phase will be in Indore. The program is sponsored by AICTE in association with Dudley University, U.K.