C-CODES organizes Prototyping and 3-D Printing Seminar

The Department of Computer Engineering – Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE), Fatorda in collaboration with the C-CODES (Council of Computer Department Engg. Students) and the Goa State Innovation Council, organised a seminar on Prototyping and 3D printing technology on September 10th, 2022 for the S.E and T.E computer students. The speakers were Mr. Rajdutt Kenkre (DBCE Alumni – 2018 batch) and Mr. Joel (both DBCE Alumni – 2021 batch), from the Rapid prototyping lab at DBCE, Fatorda. The seminar began with a presentation that described the Goa State Innovation Council’s objective and numerous initiatives. Mr. Rajdutt explained the procedure to avail the funding for the projects and other services that are offered by the council. The workings of the 3D printing process, the many types of raw materials needed, and other requirements were all described in detail. Various applications of 3D printing were also discussed. The session came to a close with a brief practical demonstration of how to use a 3D printer and the Cura software by providing the design and other commands. Mr. Rajdutt said “3D printing potential is unlimited, and it is the future!.”

The students were given a tour of the prototype lab by Mr. Joel, where they saw numerous machines including: 3D printers, laser cutters, drones, power tools etc. A basic description of how these gadgets work was provided. Students learned about the most up-to-date 3D printing technologies. They were also shown various models, puzzles, articles with intricate design that were 3D printed. The session ended with an interactive question and answer session. Some of the questions that were asked were “What’s the cost of a 3D printer? “, “Is resin printing same as 3D printing”. The faculty coordinator was Asst. Prof. Merwyn D’Souza. The student coordinator was Mr. Nikhil Rao.