Home DBCE News & Events Cardiovascular Health Analysis Using Physiological Signals And Machine Learning – By Ms Nidhi Sawant

Cardiovascular Health Analysis Using Physiological Signals And Machine Learning – By Ms Nidhi Sawant

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As part of the Alumni activity, a webinar on ‘Cardiovascular Health Analysis Using Physiological Signals and Machine Learning’, was held in online mode to enlighten the students on recent research in biomedical engineering. The webinar was held on the 07th January 2022 at 2pm on google meet platform. The resource person invited to deliver the talk was our very own alumni, Ms. Nidhi Sawant, who is currently a PhD scholar at NIT Goa. The audience comprised second year and third year ETC students of Don Bosco College of Engineering.

Ms Nidhi commenced the session by giving a brief introduction to what biomedical signal processing and its applications. She then went on to explain the block diagram of the process.

Ms. Nidhi explained that her research involved and combination of signal processing and machine learning. She briefly touched upon the flowchart of how heart sound signal analysis is carried out and how the classification is made of whether the heart condition is normal or not. In her methodology, she presented the tools and algorithms used to arrive at the result. She also presented some results obtained from the procedure.

In conclusion, Ms Nidhi advised students on where to find resources pertaining to biomedical data and offered to help in anyway if students were to take up projects in these areas.

The event was very well received by all and students had an opportunity to learn about the biomedical field.


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