Celebration of International Day of Yoga at DBCE
The International Day of Yoga is celebrated annually on 21 June since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Since the theme for international yoga day for this year is YOGA @ Home and Yoga with Family, the NSS Unit of Don Bosco College of Engineering organised a webinar “Pranayam and Breathing Techniques to Improve Immunity” for staff and students on 19th June 2020.
The Resource person for this webinar was Mr. Vishwanath Swar, Head of Dept. of commerce of HSS section of M.E.S.College of Arts and Commerce, Vasco, Goa. He is also the Vice president of Ambika Yog Kutir, Goa and member of allied association. He has vast experience of conducting workshops for the corporates and the college teachers and the students throughout Goa .
Since the topic of the webinar was Pranayam and Breathing Techniques to Improve Immunity, Mr. Swar demonstrated various Pranayam like Anuloma – Viloma, Kapalbhati, Bhadrika, Ujjayi Pranayama, etc. He also explained how this various pranayama can cure different diseases and boost the immunity of individuals.
The session was well received by curious audience and many questions related to health were raised, for which they received satisfying answers from the resource person. This session has indeed motivated all to live a healthy life.
This webinar session was coordinated by Mr. Chetan Gaonkar, NSS program officer and was attended by around 30 staff members and students, including Dr. Kala Nayak, Registrar and Dr. Neena Panandikar, Principal who concluded the session by giving Vote of Thanks.