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As a part of the Internship training, the Electronics and Telecommunication department of Don Bosco College of Engineering in collaboration with Eduvance conducted a 6 day certified course on “Arduino & IoT”, for the T.E students of ETC from the 8th to the 13th of July 2019. A total of 41 students attended the workshop that was certified from Microchip through Eduvance.

The training basically concentrated on programming of the Arduino Uno and concepts of internet of things (IoT).

The Resource Persons for the workshop were Mr. Dilip Balasubramanium, Training Manager of Eduvance and Mr. Anuj Vaani, Systems Engineer of Eduvance.

Day 1:

On the first day, basic functioning and working of Arduino Uno was explained and installation of software was done. Hardware was provided to the students and they were explained the basic components mounted on the Arduino board. Programming basics were being made clear to the students and the session continued with students being given tasks on programming the Arduino Uno such as interfacing the LEDs, RGB LED, use of delays, control the LEDs using the switch, control the brightness of the LED using Pulse Width Modulation.

Day 2:

The second day started with interfacing of the LCD with the Arduino for displaying a message, and for displaying numbers and data. The students also figured how to print any random number from 1 to 50 on the LCD screen using basic random tool and LCD print functions.

Day 3:

The day started with a brief overview on Serial and Parallel connection and it’s working. Serial as well as parallel connection was introduced to the students. Basic syntax for serial read and write was introduced and hence the programs were implemented to print numbers starting from zero to 10 in an ascending order using serial communication syntax and increment function viewing on the serial port tab, to print the number of times the button switch pressed using serial communication syntax and thereby viewing it on the serial port tab,etc.

Day 4:

The day started with IoT concept being introduced to the students using cloud “thingspeak”. Students were asked to use their logic and write a program to implement the game book cricket using random numbers, and serial communication as well as basic programming in C knowledge. Program using analog syntax to read as well as write analog signals were also taken up.

Day 5:

Interfacing of the different sensors like Moisture sensor, Temperature sensor was introduced on the 5th day, where data from the sensors was interfaced to the Arduino Uno board using analogue communication viewing on the serial port.

Besides that Thinkspeak by math works was introduced as a cloud platform to the students who were asked to create an account thereby accessing it’s facilities. Students were taught to create their channels on thinkspeak and produce data.

Day 6:

Another cloud platform Node-red by IBM was being introduced and basic functioning was explained to the students who were taught to create their account and implementation of various basic projects took place. This was followed by Feedback and Technical evaluation.

The students had an enriching experience on the workshop and are looking forward for more such workshops in the future.

The Co-ordinators for the Workshop were Dr.Varsha Turkar and Prof. Flavia Leitao.





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