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As a part of the Internship training, the Electronics and Telecommunication department of DON BOSCO College of Engineering in collaboration with Eduvance conducted a 10 day certified course on “Embedded Systems & IoT”, for the T.E and B.E students of ETC from the 2nd to the 12th of Jan 2019. A total of 52 students attended the workshop that was certified from Microchip and AMD through Eduvance.

The training basically concentrated on how to interface the different peripherals like sensors and how to transmit and receive data using the Arduino platforms.

Day 1 of the training started with the Introduction to Embedded System concepts by the resource persons Mr. Dilip Balasubramanium and Mr. Nikunj Thakkar. The students were then divided into two batches for the practical hands-on sessions, where they were explained the Arduino board and then started off with the basic LED program.

In the Afternoon session, the students were introduced to the RGB LED which was mounted on the I/O sheet provided by them. Different problem statements were given to the students related to LED where they taught the students how to work with switches and toggle LED’s.


Day 2 the training continued with the programs related to switches, followed by a brief introduction to LCDs and the libraries and functions used. The afternoon session commenced with the pin configuration of the LCD and how to interface the LCD with Arduino. After interfacing the LCD students executed different programs on LCD such as displaying characters, scrolling the data, etc.

The PWM features and programs using PWM to control the brightness of the LED, was taken up on DAY 3, followed by Serial communication and programs to display the potentiometer values in the afternoon session.

Day 4, the students were taught how to interface different sensors like Temperature, LDR, PIR, etc. The following day a test was conducted on the topics that were covered during practicals. After that, the two batches were combined together and were introduced to wireless module nRfL01 and the advantages of it.

Day 6 commenced with some programs based on nRfL01 i.e sending any information from one Arduino to another using nRfL01 eg. Potentiometer and LDR values etc, followed by introduction to IoT and its applications, in the afternoon session.


The following day, the session on IoT continued where they were explained about Thingspeak which is a cloud where you can store data. The students were taught how to upload values to the cloud and read the values from the cloud. In the afternoon session students were introduced to WiFi module ESP8266 using which how one can communicate with the cloud. They executed the program and uploaded the data to the cloud where they observed changes in the graph on thinspeak.

The next day, students learnt how to upload different data at the same time to the cloud and control it with the switch. Then they were allocated projects to work on. The next two days Students were given time to work on their respective projects.

On the final day of internship the students had to present their projects, where each group presented their project and were evaluated by the trainer Mr.Nikunj Thakkar.

In the end, GRADE ME assessment was conducted for the students which had 30 MCQ’s and practical questions, which could help them with placements.

The students had an enriching experience on the workshop and are looking forward for more such workshops in the future.

The Co-ordinators for the Workshop were Dr. Varsha Turkar and Prof. Flavia Leitao.


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