DBCE IEI and FSAI student Chapters host a seminar on “Basic First Aid”

On 18 April 2024, the DBCE IEI chapter in association with the FSAI student chapter hosted a seminar on “Basic First Aid” addressed by Mr. Jovito Lopez from St John’s Ambulance, focusing on key lifesaving techniques and strategy. The session aimed to equip attendees with the fundamental skills necessary to respond swiftly and decisively to life-threatening situations and emergencies, particularly cardiac-related incidents.
Mr. Lopes elucidated the significance of pulse assessment as a vital sign indicative of cardiovascular health. He elucidated the normal pulse range and deviations that might indicate potential health concerns. Various scenarios of cardiac arrest were illustrated to familiarize the participants with real-life situation. Case studies and simulations were employed to demonstrate the diverse manifestations of cardiac emergencies. A crucial aspect of the session involved clarifying the disparity between cardiac arrest and heart attack.

The speaker delineated the variances in symptoms, causes, and immediate response required for each condition. Strategies to prevent cardiac arrest, such as Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), were thoroughly expounded upon. Practical demonstrations were conducted to ensure that the participants have grasped the proper utilization of these lifesaving tools. The AVPU (Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive) test, a rapid assessment tool to gauge a person’s level of consciousness, was taught. Its significance in determining the urgency of medical intervention was underscored. The interactive nature of the session, coupled with practical demonstration, ensured an enriching learning environment for all the participants.