DBCE installs FSAI Student Chapter Committee 2021-22

Don Bosco College of Engineering(DBCE), Fatorda organized an Inaugural program in which new office bearers were inducted into the FSAI (Fire & Safety Association of India) DBCE Student Chapter Committee 2021-22 virtually on December 11, 2021. The Chief Guest for the program was Shri Ashok Menon, Former Director, Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services, Goa. The other dignitaries Dr. Jennifer Lewis (President, FSAI Goa Chapter), Fr. Kinley D’Cruz (Director DBCE), Dr. Neena Panandikar (Principal, DBCE), Mr. Vinod Rodrigues (Secretary, FSAI Goa Chapter), Dr. Kala Nayak (Registrar, DBCE), Prof. Ajit Salunke (Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering) and Prof. Saurabh Raikar (Coordinator, FSAI DBCE Chapter) were also present at the Inaugural. The incoming committee members include President- Mr. Omkar Mangesh Naik, Secretary- Mr. Eshan Lotlikar, Jt. Secretary- Ms. Ayisha Shaik, Treasurer- Mr. Ashish Ajay Mishra, CWC Mech- Mr. Aadarsh V. Chodankar, CWC ETC- Ms. Melissa Solomon, CWC Civil- Mr. Leonardo Vaz and CWC Comp- Mr. Ved Vithal Sukhathankar. The function began with a brief report read by Mr. Tanmay Bhagat, outgoing President of FSAI DBCE Student Chapter 2020-21 reagrding the activities conducted by the outgoing FSAI committee 2020-21. Prof. Ajit Salunke welcomed the Guests on the occasion and mentioned the importance of technology in Fire Safety. Dr. Neena Panandikar complimented the outgoing committee for the activities conducted in the field of Fire & Security and motivated students to organize a fire extinguisher training session at the institute. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz said that fire safety has to be learnt from a very young age and quoted ‘Careless hands are fire brands. Be safe & be aware.’ The President of FSAI Goa Chapter Dr. Jennifer Lewis initiated the oath taking ceremony and inducted the new FSAI chapter committee 2021-22. The Chief Guest Shri Ashok Menon delivered a session on Disaster Management explaining its framework, committees, types and targets. He also mentioned that the college students can also help in managing disasters with proper training and the Institutes can think about have a training/ skill development course on safety in the curriculum. The program ended with the Vote of Thanks proposed by the incoming FSAI Student Chapter president Mr. Omkar Naik.