DBCE organizes a Workshop on Fire Safety

The FSAI student chapter of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda organized a workshop on Fire Safety on 20 May 2022 in association with FSAI Goa Chapter. The chief guest for the function was Shri. Nitin Raikar (Director, Directorate of Fire and Emergency Services, Goa). Also present were other dignitaries- Dr. Jennifer Lewis (President, FSAI Goa Chapter), Fr. Kinley D’Cruz (Director DBCE), Dr. Neena Panandikar (Principal, DBCE), Mr. Vinod Rodrigues (Secretary, FSAI Goa Chapter), Mr. Shawn D’sa (Jt. Secretary, FSAI Goa Chapter), Dr. Kala Nayak (Registrar, DBCE), Prof. Ajit Salunke (HOD Mechanical and faculty advisor, FSAI). To kickstart the function, which was the first to be held in the offline mode since the beginning of the pandemic, Prof. Ajit Salunke welcomed the dignitaries. He mentioned that fire safety, first aid and industrial safety are regularly practiced by the mechanical department and this is highly appreciated by the industry. Dr. Neena Panandikar spoke about the role of the FSAI in providing fire and safety education and creating awareness for the students. This was followed by addressal of the occasion by Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz who mentioned the importance of fire safety. Dr. Jennifer Lewis was next to share her thoughts as she spoke about how technology must be used to mitigate the risk of fire. This was followed by addressal of fire safety by the chief guest, Shri. Nitin Raikar, who spoke about the Classes of Fires, factors which the spread of fires depends upon, and methods of fire control. Mr. Omkar Mangesh Naik, President of FSAI, Student Chapter proposed the Vote of Thanks after which, an expert talk on Fire Safety was given to students and faculty in attendance. Here, an officer from the directorate of fire and emergency services, Goa gave detailed information about fire extinguishers, the types and methods of usage. This was followed by the Fire Safety Demonstration outside the college building where students and faculty members were provided with hands on experience, using the different types of fire extinguishers.