Deep into Python Workshop

The Department of Computer Engineering at Don Bosco College of Engineering hosted a 2-day Faculty Development Workshop in association with ACM Goa Professional Chapter and ACM India Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education (iSIGCSE) on 19th and 26th February 2022. The topic of the workshop was “Deep into Python” and was delivered by Prof. NS Kumar, faculty at PESU – Bangalore. Prof. NS Kumar has a very prolific profile with expertise in training, consultation and software development for over 35 years. He is well known as a trainer, offering training in various skills for corporates in and outside Bangalore. ACM Goa Professional Chapter and ACM India iSIGCSE decided have this workshop with Prof. Kumar to train faculty in the high level general purpose programming language- Python.
The workshop had a little over 85 participants who registered for this free event conducted over the span of two days via Zoom conference meeting app. Present on day 1 for the quick introductory and welcome session was ACM Chair – Mrs. Maria Choudhary, ACM India iSIGCSE Chair, Dr. Chitra Babu, Dr. Venkatesh Kamat, Professor from the Department of Computer Science and Technology – Goa University along with DBCE coordinators, Dr. Gaurang Patkar and Asst. Prof. Christina Barretto. On day 1, Prof. Kumar covered interesting topics on Value and reference type in Python, life time reference counting, parameter passing, life and scope of variables and functions. Participants were engaged in an interactive session from 9.30am till 1.15 pm. On day 2 Prof. Kumar covered interesting topics on functions, activation records, closure, lazy evaluation and engineering decorator. Participants were evaluated with a quiz and were asked to provide feedback. Here are a few snapshots from the workshop.