Documentation using LaTeX: An Overview

Civil Engineering Department of our college in collaboration with the NDLI Club organized a talk on “Documentation using LaTex: An Overview”, on February 23, 2024 by Asst. Prof. Yeshudas Muttu, Dept. of ETC/ ECS for students of final year BE Civil students.
The event commenced with a warm welcome from Ms. Ayanaa Inamdar. Prof. Yeshudas emphasized the fundamentals and use of LaTeX Overleaf for writing, editing and publishing scientific documents.
He encouraged the students to use Overleaf manuscript editor, with real-time collaboration, to obtain fully typeset output produced automatically in the background. The session included preparing of template articles, pasting images, equations using different commands in LaTeX. He encouraged the students to use this as it has various advantages like Integrated, streamlined publishing allowing to submit immediately and directly to the journal of choice with an integrated submission system to dozens of publishing partners. Teaching Toolkit which allows creating assignments on Overleaf to send out to students; can be completed online on Overleaf and submitted back with a single click for marking and review.
The talk was highly enlightening and beneficial to all the attendees. An effective talk with active learning and student involvement.