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The Department of Computer Engineering organized ‘DBCE Dream Big’- an Industry Student Connect event, on February 14, 2020, the first of its kind to be held which aims to promote awareness about innovation in industrial and professional expertise amongst students.

The event began with Prof. Amey Kerkar welcoming the audience that included the computer students and faculty.

 The speaker for the first session was Mr. Kishore Shah, Director at IDEAZ Unlimited, who was introduced by Prof. Christina Barretto. He began his session by getting everyone on their feet and asking them some Interactive Questions. He spoke about how he had always held deep admiration for the Director, Principal and HOD at Don Bosco College of Engineering, and then proceeded to show his appreciation for them by presenting them with a memento of his own. He made sure that the audience gave them all a standing ovation.  His session was largely centered on Developing the Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. He stressed upon how observation plays a vital role in innovation and creativity and translating it into something novel, and how one should take the initiative and be the change for something that one is ‘terribly annoyed about’.  He concluded with emphasizing on how the current market keeps changing and how one should make ‘Business as Usual’ into ‘Business Unusual’.  This was followed by a short Q & A session which was modulated by Caesar D’Silva, an Alumnus of Don Bosco College of Engineering.  He stressed upon the fact that having a good sense of humor is important to maintain good customer relations.  This ended with presenting a token of appreciation.

After this, the results of GCCI Techmania fest 2020 were announced and the certificates were awarded.

The delegates gathered at the center of the stage to sign the MOU(Memorandum of Understanding)  between Persistent Systems Limited(PSL) and Department of Computer Engineering, Don Bosco College of Engineering. This was followed by a short slideshow showcasing the Computer Department’s achievements.

The speaker for the next session was Mr. Girish Bharne, Vice-President of Persistent Systems Limited. This was a purely interactive Q&A session which was also moderated by Caesar. Mr. Bharne answered question from the audience which ranged from questions on what an employer looks for in an employee while hiring, as well as the basic important skills that a fresher would require in order to be recruited. He stressed about how freshers should present themselves with confidence and not rely on the CV system. He emphasized on how attitude should be important as well as a willingness to learn, and how one should always be well informed of the latest happenings in technology. He was also presented with a token of appreciation followed by a group photo with everyone.

This was followed by the introduction to the last speaker for the morning session, Mr. Tarun KrishnaKumar, Director at Ulavan Agritech Services (OPC) Pvt. Ltd. He has companies in various incubation centers across India, especially FiiRE, and is an advocate of finding the right tools to solve problems. He stressed upon how the objective and goal of the problem one is trying to solve matters and how to fill the skill gap; the cause being changing technologies and the solution being adaptable and building ones’ own tools if necessary. He mentioned how his work philosophy is based on willingness to learn and seek out mentors and ask for help, as well as being independent and taking responsibility. This was also followed by a Q&A session. Here he re-iterated on how confidence and passion is important to arrive at a solution and give clarity to ones’ mindset.  The morning session then ended with Prof. Norman Dias presenting a token of appreciation.

The afternoon session resumed with interaction between Caeser Fernandes and Rohit Sankpal, alumni of Don Bosco College of Engineering and cofounder of internship stations. He has worked as a software designer in Codeword coding company. His company interconnects the industries with students thus bridging gap between them. The idea for his company arose during his Final Year Topic selection which leads him to develop a small mini project and finally starting his own company. He is the first person who made the Inspirus Trailer for Don Bosco College of Engineering .According to him, basic skills like ability to handle difficult situations, confidence, coordination, financial stability maintenance is required for a good Enterprenuer. He stated that “How a project is developed matters most rather then what we develop”.

The next session was held with Mr. Shravan Hegde, alumnus of Don Bosco College of Engineering, and co-founder of Earnestek. He was also the youngest speaker to speak at World IOT Summit, Bangalore. During the session, he was asked about choosing ‘Earnsteak’ as his company name to which he replied the word ‘Earnest’ meaning sincere. He also focused on choosing an appropriate name for ones’ startup. He also spoke about teaching qualities like patience, imagination and communication skills.

The final session was conducted by ULAVAN agri-tech services. It builds tools for farming and agricultural services for solving real life problems of farmers. One such prototype developed by them was drone weighing 1.99kg comprising of different electronic components. Demo of the automated drone was given to the students showing its pitch, throttle and rotating features,it was an interactive session with students asking queries and giving inputs. The event ended with Prof. Norman Dias delivering the vote of thanks.


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