“Evolution of Mobile Technologies” Webinar (Beyond the syllabus)
The C-CODES Students association in association with the Department of Computer Engineering conducted a webinar on “Evolution of Mobile Technologies” for the computer engineering students on July 08 ,2020. It was a one and half hour long session from 11.30am-1pm. The resource persons were Alumni / Prof. Janhavi Naik and Prof. Merwyn D’Souza.
Total of 56 students attended the webinar organized by Prof. Janhavi Naik through GOOGLE MEET platform. The link was shared to everyone on the group to attend the session at least 10 minutes before.
The session started with energetic QA round, testing Knowledge of students in terms of Mobile generations. The different technologies and generations were discussed. Current mobile technology was emphasized and its features also.
Students asked certain questions during the session making it interactive. The cellular network generations, along with different architectures were discussed. The point “Mobile is an amazing technical achievement” was explored. The orthogonal schemes importance and need was also explained to students.
The architecture of GSM and call was shown and explained. The different components involved were sequentially explained.
The different generations were compared and analysed. The evolution part was more stressed on during the webinar. The upcoming mobile technology was explained; the role played by Qualcomm was explained. The students were also shown different images pertaining to technology. The concept of frequency reuse and handoff was explained to students along with the types and techniques.
At the end of session, there was a Q & A round for asking of doubts. Also, the feedback link and quiz link was also shared among the students. The e-certificates were issued on successful passing of quiz. The coordinator for the webinar was Prof. Merwyn D’Souza.