Home DBCE News & Events Faculty Development Programme (FDP) “ARM Cortex”

Faculty Development Programme (FDP) “ARM Cortex”

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To provide knowledge sharing on the latest technologies with the faculty, the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering of Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE) organized a one Day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “ARM Cortex” on 29th Sept. 2018, as a part of the MoU signed between Eduvance and DBCE, where the two expressed mutual interest in setting up an “Embedded Systems Lab” at the Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department with hardware donated by Cypress Semiconductors.

The Embedded Systems lab setup included 7 PSoC-4 Bluetooth Low energy kits (ARM Cortex M0 Based) and PSoC Creator Software with user licenses.

The main objective of the FDP was to provide faculty of DBCE with access to state of the art technologies and platforms that Eduvance has developed and that Eduvance has a tie-up with namely Cypress Semiconductors University Alliance (CUA).

The resource person for the FDP was Mr. Dilip Balasubramanian, Training Manager – Eduvance.

The FDP started with a brief introduction on Embedded Systems and System on Chip (SoC). Then PSoC creator software was introduced where the faculty was taught how to create a project, and the stages of design which included Design Schematic Entry, Design Drawing and main.c.

In the Design Schematic Entry the different components and pins are dragged and dropped followed by configuration of the pins and the components as desired, and then in the Design drawing the design pins are mapped to the Physical pins of the PSoC chip and finally the code is written in main.c. After these three stages, the design is built to check for errors and programmed to generate the hex file.

The participants were then given a detailed understanding of all the components on the PSoC4 kit. After which they did a complete hands-on of three applications using the RGB LED, ADC and the PWM.

The FDP as a whole was a great learning experience, which opened new opportunities to getting exposed to the latest technologies and platforms.

The coordinators for the FDP were Dr. Varsha Turkar and Asst.Prof. Flavia Leitao.


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