Field Visit to Sanofi Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd.

On April 25th, 2024, students from the third and second-year Mechanical Engineering of our college (DBCE) embarked on a visit to Sanofi Healthcare India Pvt. Ltd. as part of their Audit Course in Maintenance Engineering. Accompanied by faculty members Dr. Suraj Marathe, Prof. Ajit Salunke, Asst. Prof. Swapnil Ramani, and Asst. Prof. Sharad Shanbhag, the visit was organized under the guidance of Mr. Prasad Adpaikar, Manager of Engineering & Operations at Sanofi Health Care Pvt Ltd. The visit commenced with a concise presentation by Mr. Prasad Adpaikar, offering an overview of the Sanofi plant, the machinery employed, utilities utilized, and various maintenance practices pertinent to the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, students were provided with insight into the role of engineers in pharmaceutical settings through a short video showcasing the Sanofi R&D Goa development center.
Subsequently, the students led by Mr. Prasad and his engineering team explored various auxiliary units, including the powerhouse substation, Boiler & Chiller section, Air Handling Units, Compressor units, and Diesel generators. Notably, they had the opportunity to observe the recently installed 1800KW solar PV plant, one of the largest in Goa. They received briefing on the monitoring system responsible for tracking the panel’s performance and energy production, with the panels capable of generating sufficient energy to power the entire facility on sunny days.
In summary, the visit to the Sanofi Goa Development Centre proved to be highly educational, providing both students and staff with valuable insights into the company’s operations and its commitment to healthcare. The visit was coordinated by Asst. Prof. Swapnil Ramani and Asst. Prof. Sharad Shanbhag.
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