Field visit to under construction Zuari Bridge
The Second year and Third year Civil Engineering students of Don Bosco College of Engineering visited the under construction Zuari bridge site as a part of their field trip on May 11, 2022.

Er. Dev Patil, Dy Project Manager briefed the students at the site. While explaining the details, it was informed that the bridge is an eight-lane cable-stayed bridge planned as an expressway to connect North and South Goa. He briefed the students about the various components of the cable-stayed bridge, load transfer mechanism, its foundation, grade of concrete used for various concrete components, the various difficulties faced while executing the project and also about the extent of completion of work.
Later Er. Patil took the students to the 4-lane section of the bridge which is on the verge of completion and explained to the students about the bridge deck slab to the pylon along with the method of prestressing the cables. Also details were shared with respect to the bearings used for the bridge deck slab joints. In total 50 Second year students and 64 Third-year students visited the site along with all faculty members of the civil engineering department.

Mr Dyaneshwar Deshmukh -Senior Manager (Planning and Billing) , Mr. Dilip Rote, liasoning Manger and Mr. Ranjeet K P , safety officer of Dilip Buildcon were also present during the visit.
Mr. Atul Joshi Vice President of Dilip Buildcon helped the college authorities with permissions.