From the Director’s Desk

Fr. Kinley D’ Cruz
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
“Everything happens in God’s own time”. This is true and I vouch for it. For us here at Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda the 15th of July, 2011 will always be a day to remember – a day on which the heavens broke loose. The much awaited approval from AICTE did finally come. From then on things began to gather momentum and the dream turned to reality. It was indeed in God’s own time (1815 – 1888), that Don Bosco (Fr. John Bosco) began his work for young people and the good of the society, in Turin- Italy, helping the young become useful citizens of the country. Our country India is on the road to become a leader on the economic front as well as a front runner in technology.
This can only become a reality if our youngsters of today have ‘ignited minds’ and the will to challenge themselves for better and greater things. The educational and technological scenario is fast changing. The horizon is being arrived at and a newer put in place. Higher standards are being set for those who are raring and daring. The Don Bosco College of Engineering is at this all important junction – assisting young minds in making this transition of life. I exhort all youngsters to not only put their finger to check the pulse of transformation but to put their whole self where the action lies, that they may rise on the tide which will take them far and wide, technically equipped and committed to better our rich and ancient civilization. Seeing you I feel confident that you will give everything that happens in our college your best shot. May God bless your efforts and enterprise and give you all the strength and resources.
Fr. Kinley D’ Cruz