Don Bosco College of Engineering celebrated 56th anniversary of Liberation Day on 19th December 2017. The staff and students of Don Bosco College of Engineering, gathered together for the celebration. The chief guest for the function was Rev. Fr. Paul D’Souza. Dr Avertano Barreto, sports officer, gave commands for salute while Prof Sweta Morajkar led the audience for the national anthem.
The Director Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz in his address spoke about the evils that posed threats to society in spite of being liberated. He emphasized the need to maintain Goa green and secure its identity.
Principal, Dr Neena S P Panandikar presented a bouquet to the Chief Guest as a token of our gratitude.
Mr. Reuben Gouvier, student of Second Year Mechanical Engineering compered the function and Mr Keith Pinto, student of Second year Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering proposed vote of thanks.