ICI Student Chapter Installation

Civil Engineering Department of our college (DBCE) in collaboration with ICI Goa Chapter installed a new student chapter for the academic year 2023-24 on 17th Feb 2024
The Installation ceremony was held in the presence of the Chief Guest, Er. Ashish Keni, ICI Chairman, Goa Center, Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz, Director DBCE, Dr. Neena Panandikar, Principal, DBCE, Dr. Shwetha P., Head of Civil Department, Faculty members and Students. Prof. Shruti Jambhale gave an introduction to IS 10262 (2019) revised version.
The faculty Coordinator of the student chapter Asst. Prof. Shruti Jambhale introduced the newly elected Office bearers and the other members of the chapter. Mr. Ashish Keni spoke about the benefits and opportunities of being a part of ICI and also shared his experience on association with ICI in the capacity of a member as well as the Chairperson.
After the installation ceremony, Er. Ashish Keni delivered a technical talk on “Implication of Varied Loads on Structural Systems” to the students.