The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Student Branch (SB) of Don Bosco College Of Engineering Fatorda, Goa organized a IEEE Bombay Section Student Branch Meet Up on August 26, 2022. Six Colleges under the IEEE Bombay Section participated in this event. The main purpose of the meet was to discuss the activities undertaken by different student branches under IEEE Bombay Section and to collaborate with the other student’s branches for keeping events under IEEE Bombay Section.
The Director, Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz welcomed all the dignitaries and the participants at the host institute. Dr. Sarika Chouhan, SAC Chair, IEEE Bombay Section gave an overview of IEEE Bombay Section and Students Activities Committee. Mr. Devendra Gowda, SAC Secretary, IEEE Bombay Section inspired the students by enlisting the various benefits of becoming an IEEE member. Both conventional and rarely known benefits were discussed .Dr. Vinit Kotak, SAC Advisor, IEEE Bombay Section gave us tips on how to attract and retain student members. Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette, Chair, IEEE Bombay Section and Dr. Kavita Sonawane, SAC Vice-Chair, IEEE Bombay Section highlighted the importance on why and how an Institution with SB must organize an IEEE Conference and how to engage with students and student activities in Student Branch. Mr. Karthik Iyer, SSR, IEEE Bombay Section gave an insight on IEEE Volunteer Tools.
The event was very informative which benefited many students and faculty members. The program came to an end with questionnaire and networking session where students interacted with other college students followed by a vote of thanks proposed by IEEE Student Branch Counselor, Prof. Yeshudas Muttu. The host of the event was Ms. Karen Mendes, IEEE DBCE SB Member. The event was coordinated by Dr. Varsha Turkar and Prof. Yeshudas Muttu.