Home DBCE News & Events IEEE DBCE EXE-COM 2021: Duties and Responsibilities

IEEE DBCE EXE-COM 2021: Duties and Responsibilities

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Exco Duties

The IEEE Student Branch of Don Bosco College of Engineering hosted a session on ‘IEEE EXE-COM: Duties and Responsibilities’ on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at 11 a.m. The talk was delivered by IEEE Student Branch Counselor, Prof. Yeshudas Muttu using Google Meet. The attendees included the IEEE Student Branch executive committee (EXE-COM) of 2020, the newly appointed members of EXE-COM and the sub-committee leads for the year 2021. The motive of such a meeting was to familiarise the upcoming committee with the responsibility that they have been placed with and the roles that they will be playing in the IEEE DBCE Student Branch.

Prof. Yeshudas Muttu began the session by explaining the roles and duties that each member has in the EXE-COM and the tasks to be completed to provide a good IEEE Annual Activity Report. Furthermore, the IEEE DBCE student branch sub-committees were mentioned & the duties of the sub-committee leads were briefed up. Later, a detailed plan about events to be conducted during the year 2021 was specified. Prof. Yeshudas Muttu laid emphasis on the communication & coordination between the student branch committees. To conclude with, the branch counsellor congratulated the outgoing committee for their dedication towards their work that led to smooth functioning of the Student Branch. Subsequently, Former chair Mr. Renvick Fernandes, and Former Vice-chair Mr. Gautam Desai, shared their experiences and gave some parting piece of advice to the entrants.

The members of the Executive Committee for the year 2021 are: Ms. Neha Joshi (IEEE Chair), Mr. Saiesh Naik (IEEE Vice-Chair), Ms. Sheena Mashelkar (IEEE Secretary), Ms. Rosann Godinho (IEEE Joint Secretary), Mr. Saish Mandrekar (IEEE Treasurer), Ms. Anjima Rajesh (IEEE Joint Treasurer), Mr. Nafiro Fernandes (IEEE Webmaster).

The session concluded at 12.30 p.m. with the incoming committee looking forward to doing their bit in taking the IEEE DBCE Student Branch to new heights.


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