IEEE Educational Activity: Shaping the minds of tomorrow

IEEE Student Branch of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Goa organized a Workshop for school students on “Electrical & Electronics made easy” with one simple objective to, create a spark and interest in the young minds’ of this generation on 11th – 12th March, 2022.
Prof. Yeshudas Muttu addressed the participants and allotted an IEEE Member for each group of school students. IEEE members, Mr. Kaiser Souza & Mr. Clarence Dias introduced the basic concepts in electrical & electronics to the audience. They made the participants understand the components like resistor, battery, identification of resistance via colour codes, breadboard, Light emitting diodes, transistors, sensors, etc. Ms. Anjima Rajesh taught the students to implement the very first circuit on the breadboard followed by an explanation about series and parallel circuits by Ms. Sidhilaxmi Shenoy in the most interesting way.
While implementing circuits, other IEEE Members, Mr. Arya Shanbhag, Mr. Benson Fernandes, Ms. Athena Rodrigues, Mr. Daron Pereira and Ms. Diana Estibeiro were completely involved in making students understand the circuit connections in the most effective way. Also, they explained practically the testing of sensors/ conversion of one form of energy to other. The students had the most amazing time by building the circuits which was reflected through their positive feedback at the end of the workshop.

The Workshop was very insightful for the students and created a deep interest in the field of Electronics and their use in daily life. It was also a confidence and knowledge booster for the IEEE DBCE STEM Team members as they also gained a lot of hands-on experience working with school students.
The workshop was conducted for four school students, namely Government High School – Balli, Sancordem Education Society’s School – Dharbandora, Smt. Hirabai Talaulicar High School – Dharbandora and St. Joseph High School – Usgao; sponsored by IEEE Bombay Section. A deep sense of appreciation for the Headmaster & Headmistress of these schools for showing keep interest in making their students learn about this field. This program was conducted under the leadership of Prof. Yeshudas Muttu (IEEE Student Branch Counselor).