The IEEE Student Branch of Don Bosco of Engineering, Goa, organized its second Educational Tour to Nashik from February 28 2020 to March 4 2020 under the guidance of IEEE Branch Counselor, Prof. Yeshudas Muttu. 61 IEEE student members along with 4 Faculty members, Prof. Yeshudas Muttu, Prof. Mohini Naik, Prof. Deron Rodrigues & Prof. Mathilda Colaco visited Nashik Thermal Power Station- Eklahare, Sarda Farms & Sula Automation.
The students visited Sula Vineyards to get acquainted with the automation technology used. The guide took the students through the entire process involved in making wine & process control instrumentation involved in the same.
On day 2 of the educational tour, various fun activities were planned for all. Everyone was informed to gather at Nehru Garden. The main purpose of having such an event was to develop a bond & let communication between all the IEEE Student members happen. Students had fun playing various games, getting involved in technical interactions & challenges .
The IEEE members travelled to Sarda Farms which is a 100% pure, organic dairy farm. It is a 11-acre farm that houses 1250 cows. The milk farm is completely mechanised- the whole process from milking the cows to aggregation and packaging is fully automated, with minimum to zero human intervention. Every attendee was delighted to visit and know about Sarda Farms since cows here are treated with equal, if not more, love and respect as that of humans. It was also very exciting to learn about the technology which is at par with international standards.
On day 3, the field visit began with the instructor reciting all the precautions and rules that must be maintained in the plant at Nashik Thermal Power Station, the students were escorted to the TSC room where a short PowerPoint presentation was shown to them. The thermal power station has rated capacity of 630 MW and has 3 units of 210 MW each. It uses a coal-fired boiler to produce steam for power generation.