IIT Remote Center

- The “Teach 1000 Teachers” programme was initiated by IIT Bombay in 2009 under the project, “Empowerment of Students/Teachers,” sponsored by NMEICT (MHRD.) The main aim of this programme is to work with Engineering Colleges in the country to enhance the teaching skills of faculty colleagues in core Engineering and Science subjects.
- The “Teach 1000 Teachers” uses an ICT enabled process involving both synchronous and asynchronous mode to actually reach out and engage a large number of teachers and live lectures are given by IIT faculty. The participating teachers attend at a remote centre close to their own college, and also attend tutorial and lab sessions conducted in the same centre.
- The lecture transmission and live interaction takes place through distance mode using the AVIEW technology and the internet, at selected remote centres across the country. Faculty coordinators are appointed at each remote center, to handle the technology infrastructure and other operational logistics. Additionally, for each workshop, there is a workshop faculty coordinator for that subject who will help in the conduct of labs and tutorials at that center. All the lectures and tutorial sessions are recorded. The final edited audio-visual contents, along with other course material are released under Open Source. These contents can be freely used later by all teachers and students.
- A Remote Center acts as the intermediary between IIT Bombay and the participating teachers during the workshop. It is usually a reputed engineering college, with high academic standards, excellent infrastructure and good faculty with expertise and experience of handling workshop subjects, to guide the participants in Lab work.
- A Remote Center (RC) is a place from where the participants/people can interact with the instructor (faculty at IIT) who is conducting the course or delivering a lecture from IIT Bombay. The live lectures are transmitted at Remote Centers using A-VIEW software.
- Lectures are delivered at IIT Bombay, using multi-way visual interaction. Tutorials and labs are conducted at remote centers by a local senior faculty, trained earlier by the expert.
- The Remote Center (RC) is usually a reputed engineering college with good facility and infrastructure .
- It acts as a host for the virtual classroom environment created by A-VIEW and enhances distance learning.
- The participant can attend the workshop in a RC close to his/her place. The RC minimizes the logistics of travel, boarding and lodging.
Don Bosco College of Engineering has been selected as a remote center for IIT workshops since August 2018. Being a part of this project our Institute has been conducting several remote center workshops, jointly with IIT Bombay. DBCE being a second remote center in the state of Goa, has been conducting effective faculty development programs and soft skills training for students. The remote center Id of Don Bosco College of Engineering is 1538.