The Honorable HRD Minister, Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank addressed the young students on 22nd August 2019 through the MHRD IIC at Don Bosco college of Engineering. Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, a dynamic personality, who has authored several great books, shared his success story. He expressed his views on the importance of moral virtues one has to keep in mind for the development of oneself and hence for the development of the country. He spoke in detail about the qualities a good leader should possess. According to him, the prime attribute of being a leader is the ability to work in a team and determination to work smart and hard. He mentioned that there is no replacement for hard work in one’s life and one shouldn’t seek ways which depreciates the value of hard work. “Hard work is one’s identity and density”, quoted Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank.
He further spoke about the importance of education, that it is the foundation to the pedestal of the highest pinnacle in development. He also briefed them about the reforms that are yet to be made and the ones that have already been implemented in the education system, so that education becomes integral with Indian traditions and teachings. He emphasized that the aim is to promote the mother tongue of each region by making it as the MOI for students from the age of 3 years. He spoke about the importance of Sanskrit in the field of science and the contribution of various ancient Indian scientists. He briefed the students about Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s various projects such as ‘Make in India’, ‘Swatch Bharat’ and schemes which promote and encourage innovation. He informed them that India has a lot of potential that is yet to be tapped and change of mindset in the education system is going to make this possible and said that the budget kept for education has been increased to 125000 crores rupees.
He believes that students should be made a part of the problem solving workforce regarding the problems of the country. If a student feels like he or she is making a change in society, and being of help to the nation, they will never give up and move forward in life with that fire in their hearts, hence encouraging others to do the same. As a part of that dream, a student can start planting at least one tree on his or birthday, save at least one litre of water daily and stop others from littering their surroundings.
He shared his life story about his humble beginnings and that failure is an inevitable part of life. He said that the ones who have tried and failed will always be ahead of those who have never tried. Through difficulties, a person comes face to face with themselves and that gives them a chance to change and work on themselves. Success should be achieved at the students’ own pace. If a person has a clear vision, will and optimistic outlook, then no one can stop such a person from achieving success.