Home Computer Activities Inpirus 8 Presents Master-Class

Inpirus 8 Presents Master-Class

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A Master-Class was organized by the Department of Computer Engineering on 11th October 2024, as part of the annual tech-fest Inspirus 8. This event featured two insightful sessions and attracted around 65 participants from various schools and higher secondary institutions across Goa. The event began with a significant MOU signing between Don Bosco College and Xerviz Global Company, marking a collaborative effort to enhance educational development.

The first session, titled “Building India’s Future – Shaping the Future in Our Classrooms” was led by Mrs. Sindhu Prabhu Dessai Nayak, Deputy Director of the Directorate of Education, Government of Goa. She emphasized the importance of connecting with students through storytelling and the need to instill values and skills that foster adaptability and resilience while addressing social stratification in education.

The second session, “Bridging Education and Innovation – The Value of Technical Education,” was conducted by Dr. Kavita S Asnani, Associate Professor at the Directorate of Higher Education, Goa. She discussed the growing demand for technical skills and the importance of adapting to new technological trends, highlighting government support for women pursuing technical education. She also discussed about ongoing trends in the Gross Enrollment Ratio in Goa.

The event was coordinated by Professor Amey Kerkar and Dr. Nitendra Palankar, with Dr. Amrita Naik and Prof. Viosha Cruz serving as the compere team with Ms. Siddhi Raney as the main compere, while the main student coordinators were Ms. Griselda and Ms. Ananya. The photography and videography of the event was covered by Luke Anthony Fernandes and Marco Johar Goes. The student volunteers were Dhanashree Savaiker, Palak Prashant Gaunkar, Bibisifhat, Arya Salunke, Araneta Abreu, Suhani Joshi, Shreya Toraskar and Samuel Mesquita.

The session ended with the Vote of Thanks that was given by Prof. Amey Kerkar.

The Master-Class successfully brought together educators and students to discuss the future of education in India. Many attendees appreciated the focus on real-world applications of educational strategies and the emphasis on technical education.

The insights shared by the speakers will undoubtedly influence teaching methodologies and encourage greater emphasis on technical skills in the educational curriculum.


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