Intellectual Property for Start-ups

C-CODES in association with the Department of Computer Engineering of Don Bosco College of Engineering, organised a webinar on “Intellectual Property for Start-ups”. The guest speaker was Mr. Tushar Gulati, IPR consultant from Aumirah IP. The webinar was held for the Third year Computer Engineering students through Google Meet on December 11, 2021 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm. The faculty coordinators for the event were Dr. Gaurang Patkar, Prof. Merwyn D’Souza and Prof. Siya Naik.
Mr. Tushar began the talk by introducing the participants to different types of intellectual property rights like patents, industrial design and copyrights. The students were informed of the importance of these rights and the methods by which these could be obtained. He further explained how inventions require to be novel, have an inventive step, be industrially applicable in order to be considered to be granted a patent. Mr. Tushar guided the students on the Patent filing application process in India. He also highlighted the importance of filing for Intellectual Property Rights.
The session then touched IPRs for mobile application software which included trade marks for Name and Logo and Patents for ideas and AI based applications/software. The session concluded with a Q&A session.
Mr. Tushar said that “He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine”.
Overall, the session was very informative, demonstrating real-life examples to provide a better insight on the topic.