Internet of Things (IoT) – The Next Best Leap in Technology
On March 25, 2023, the Department of Computer Engineering- Don Bosco College of Engineering, organized a workshop on Internet of Things (IoT). The guest speaker for the day was Mr. Kapil Nair, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Conexao Technology Solutions (CTS), Panjim – Goa. He was accompanied by his colleague, Mr. Somesh Narvekar, Sr. Software Engineer at CTS.
The target audience for this workshop included students from BE Computer Engineering. “Everything can communicate, from mundane household items to a smart watch broadcasting details about one’s fitness routine – all we need to do is listen” says Mr. Kapil Nair about this seemingly big IoT evolution.
During the workshop, students were introduced to LoRaWAN IoT Access technology. Mr. Somesh Narvekar showed them how to connect sensors to a LoRaWAN gateway and write a simple program to access the temperature of the room.
The workshop was coordinated by Asst. Prof. Christina Barretto and Asst. Prof. Sweta Morajkar.