NCC Camp Report

Leading Cadet Melissa Alexander Solomon from Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda-Goa successfully Completed the ALL INDIA NAUSAINIK CAMP-2023 held at INS SHIVAJI, Lonavala – Maharashtra, representing Karnataka and Goa Directorate. For this she underwent 5 levels from commencing from May 2023 PRE NSC, PRE NSC-1, PRE NSC-2, Inter Group Competition-1, Inter Group Competition-2 and finally AINSC. She was placed in various events such as Boat Pulling, standing Drill, rifle Drill contigent. Service Subject Written, Tent pitching and Line Area.
She stood second position in service subject and was the Coxswain ( Captain) of the Karnataka & Goa DTE boat. We won the silver medal in boat pulling and was judged as the best coxswain as she took the boat from last position to the 2nd position with a crazy comeback and also won the cock (Murga).
Her efforts where appreciated by all the officers.