Networking: A Practical Approach – Workshop Report
The Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering in association with DBEATS organized a one day workshop for the students of Final Year Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, titled, “Networking: A practical Approach” on 12th August 2017 .The Resource Person for the workshop was Ms.Darshata Naik , ETC Department from RIEIT Shiroda. The organizer for the workshop was Asst. Prof. Vidhya.D.S. and Ms. Mohini Naik from Electronics and Telecommunication Department. The Cisco Packet Tracer hands-on session was carried out. The topics which were covered during the course : Brief knowledge about the basic concepts of networking, Access Control Lists, Serial point to point protocols, frame relay, Nat, Pat, Router on stick. The students found the workshop useful, as it helped them learn how to use design different network components and configuration.