Home DBCE News & Events NPTEL Awareness Program – July 2021

NPTEL Awareness Program – July 2021

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Don Bosco College of Engineering conducted NPTEL awareness program for the first year and second year engineering students on 14th, 16th, 19th 20th, 22nd, 25th July 2021. The awareness program was conducted through online mode (Google meet). The first and second year ETC students were attended the NPTEL awareness program and explained over view of how to enroll courses and how to use NPTEL SWAYAM Portal in detail. The importance of domain certification, NPTEL Stars, benefits of fee waiver and exam registration was discussed. The Google meet was coordinated by Dr. Vidhya D. S, NPTEL SPOC. The importance and benefits of credit course was explained and also discussed how to choose courses from the credit course list.

NPTEL Awareness Program1

The Department of Mechanical Engineering Conducted an online orientation program for its First Year and Second Year students to create awareness regarding the NPTEL courses. The session mainly briefed the students regarding the credit courses offered by NPTEL and those courses which have been approved by the Goa University for obtaining extra credits with respect to the BE(Honours degree). The session was delivered by Asst. Professor Sanjeel Naik , NPTEL Coordinator, of Mechanical Department.

NPTEL Awareness Program2

Around 90 computer branch students attended the awareness program. The Google meet was coordinated by Prof.Amey K. Shet Tilve (NPTEL Coordinator of Computer Engineering Department). Prof.Amey K. ShetTilve gave an overview of the registration and enrolment to NPTELOnline Certification Courses using SWAYAM App and portal. He also highlighted the benefits of taking NPTEL credit courses. Students were given an idea regarding NPTEL Certificates, fee waiver benefit for SC, ST and low-income students. The importance of Domain courses, Mentorship was also discussed. The NPTEL course Registration & Exam enrolment form video was shared with the students. Healso interacted with First and second year students and discussed about various NPTEL credit courses related to Computer Engineering floated by Goa university.

NPTEL Awareness Program

NPTEL Orientation Program for First and Second Year Students was conducted by Dr.Vidhya D S,SPOC,ETC Department and  Prof. Swaroopa Sail, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering. Students were introduced to the list of courses being offered by NPTEL, how the courses are conducted, assignments to be answered, duration of the course, guided how to enroll for the courses, types of certificates offered by NPTEL, domain certificate, benefits of fee waiver and NPTEL Stars etc. Students were explained how to choose  credit courses  to earn 20 credits by the end of the eighth semester. The instructions while choosing the credit courses and advantages of enrolling for those were also shared. Domain certificate will be given from NPTEL, if they specialize in areas like Construction Materials Technology, Structural Analysis, Structural Design and Environment. Students who cleared credit courses while studying in third and fourth semester were congratulated.


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