Home DBCE News & Events One Week ISTE STTP ON “A Practical Approach to IOT and its Applications”

One Week ISTE STTP ON “A Practical Approach to IOT and its Applications”

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The Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Don Bosco College of Engineering in association with Government College of Commerce and Economics , Margao and Directorate of Higher Education, Government of Goa organised a one week ISTE STTP on “A Practical Approach to IOT and its Applications”. The workshop was an initiative in line with NEP and was held from 12th – 16th June 2023.

Asst. Prof. Anisha Cotta, Asst. Prof. Melba D’Souza from DBCE and Dr. Kissan Gauns Dessai, Asst. Prof. of Computer Science, Govt. College of Commerce & Economics- Margao were the coordinators of the workshop. The workshop was attended by 38 participants from institutes like Shree Rayeshwar Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, Goa University, Bhatikar Model High School, P.E.S’s RSN College of Arts and Science, NIT-Goa, Loyola Higher Secondary School, Estellar Higher Secondary School of Excellence & Don Bosco College of Engineering- Fatorda.  

The inaugural ceremony of the workshop was held on 12th June 2023. The Chief Guest of the function was Dr. Niyan Joseph Savio Marchon, Professor Teaching, Learning and Educational Technology, Goa State Higher Education Council, Directorate of Higher Education (DHE) Government of Goa, while Dr. Trilochan Panigrahi, Associate Professor, Dept.of Electronics & Communication Engg. NIT- Goa was the guest of honour and keynote speaker for the day. The inaugural function was also graced by the presence of the Director of Don Bosco College of Engg., Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz, Principal Dr. Neena Panandikar, Mr.Anvesh Reddy, Trainer and Consultant Innovians Technologies Noida, Registrar Dr. Kala Nayak, and Head of Department, of Electronics and Computer Science Department, Dr. D.S. Vidhya.


The Chief Guest, Dr. Niyan Marchon stressed on involving ourselves practically in learning about IOT and its applications and also sharing the knowledge of technology with one another. The Guest of Honour, Dr. Trilochan Panigrahi delivered a talk on wireless in Internet of things he focused on the significance of IOT and the role that it will play in making the society an advanced internet ecosystem. In his key note address Dr. Trilochan Panigrahi explained the various applications of IOT in the real world. The evening session of day one was a hands-on session by the resource person Mr. Anvesh Reddy, Trainer and Consultant Innovians Technologies, Noida. He started his session with the introduction of IOT and Node MCU platform and then familiarized the participants with basic programming using Arduino IDE, installing libraries and packages.

Day 2 started with a session on “Energy Optimization in Internet of Things”, by Dr. S. Mini, Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, NIT-Goa. She started with the basics of Internet of Things (IoT), followed by its applications and challenges. She also focused on some projects that could be taken up in IoT. She further spoke about the energy optimization at device level and network level.

The next session was a hands-on session by Mr. Anvesh Reddy. Projects done during this session included interfacing of Node MCU with IR sensor. Bluetooth module, voice controlled home automation etc. The post lunch session was a hands session on cloud computing in IoT using ThingSpeak. Programs to scan Wifi Modules and IP Addresses were executed. Temperature and humidity were also recorded and uploaded on ThingSpeak cloud. Following this, Blynk cloud was introduced where humidity and temperature data was again uploaded to the Blynk cloud for different visualization.

The sessions for the rest of the days of the workshop were conducted by Mr. Anvesh Reddy, Trainer and Consultant Innovians Technologies, Noida. Day 3 started with a session on introduction to Raspberry Pi. The session started with the basics of Raspberry Pi, followed by installation of OS on SD Card, OS Configuration, network setup, study of GPIO pins, configuring GPIO pins and using python. Post lunch session included hands on session on interfacing IR sensors, ultrasound sensor and temperature and humidity sensor, 7 segment display etc to Raspberry Pi.

Day 4 commenced with introduction to MQTT and communication protocol for IOT, followed by understanding MQTT broker, publish and subscribe method. The mosquito MQTT publish subscribe model was implemented using Raspberry pi. This was followed by static configuration of IP address of raspberry pi.  Various cloud platforms for IoT like Amazon, Azure and Google cloud, were also discussed. The afternoon session began with installation of node red on the Raspberry Pi. Web platform for the same was demonstrated with the help of projects. The significance and the generation of user interface were also highlighted by the resource person. The session ended with a task given to all the participants to test the knowledge gained.

Day 5 of the workshop commenced with introducing the participants to Microsoft Azure. Participants created their accounts and also created virtual machines on Microsoft Azure and transferred data using Virtual Machines.

The valedictory function was held on June 16th 2023. Mr. Anish Sousa, founder of Sun 360 was the Chief Guest on the occasion while Mr. Anvesh Reddy, Trainer & Consultant of Innovians Technologies- Noida was the Guest of Honour. The function was also graced by the presence of the Director of Don Bosco College of Engg., Rev. Fr. Kinley D’Cruz, Principal, Dr. Neena Panandikar, Head of Department, of Electronics and Computer Science Department Dr. D.S. Vidhya and coordinators of the event. The function was hosted by Asst. Prof. Selvyn Fernandes.   

Mr. Anish Sousa in his address spoke on how IoT is going to be the future of technology and he also mentioned about how IoT can be applied in e-waste detection. The report of the 5 day workshop was read by workshop coordinator, Asst. Prof. Melba D’Souza. The Guest of honour, Mr Anvesh Reddy in his address appreciated the participants for their keen interest and enthusiastic participation. Principal of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Dr. Neena Panadikar congratulated the coordinators, the resource people and the organising team for the success of the workshop. She also motivated the participants to apply the knowledge gained in the workshop. Some of the participants shared their feedback on the 5 days STTP. The valedictory function concluded with the vote of thanks by workshop coordinator, Asst. Prof. Anisha Cotta.


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