On August 17, 2021, the Department of Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering of Don Bosco College of Engineering bid farewell to its final year students of batch 2017 – 2021. It was an online event coordinated by Ms. Kimberly Morais on google meet .
The function began with a prayer by Miss. Rosann Godinho. Director – Fr. Kinley D’Cruz, conveyed his message “to be determined in life and never look back. The past must be considered a lesson, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, acknowledge them, learn from them and move ahead”. Principal – Dr. Neena Panandikar in her address appreciated the efforts of the students and said “be confident and believe in yourself and the best things will happen in life.” Head of Department – Dr. Varsha Turkar, Class teacher – Ms. Kimberly Morais conveyed their messages during the live session. Staff Members shared their experiences of teaching the batch and wished them well.
The annual release of “Ankur” project idea book of the Department was coordinated by Ms. Anisha Cota and Ms. Priyanka Padiyar.
For the informal function two events where organised. One was Classfare Awards 2021 which was collectively hosted by Mr. Yeshudas Muttu, Ms. Mathilda Colaco, Mr. Selvyn Fernandes, Ms. Samantha Cardoso, Mr. Deron Rodrigues, Ms. Melba D’souza. The second event was “Apke Alfaaz” which was hosted by Ms. Flavia Leitao and Mr. Sheryas Simu. The students and faculty thoroughly enjoyed both the events.
Mr. Pavan Kalyan was declared the best outgoing student of the Department. The event ended with a recorded song “Yaroon” sung by a student.