Prof. Saurabh Raikar was invited as a resource person by Vidnyan Parishad as a part of pre SCIFFI 2023 activity
Prof. Saurabh Raikar from the Mechanical Department of Don Bosco College of Engineering, Fatorda was invited to deliver a session to ‘Ravindra Kelekar Dyanmandir’ and ‘Popular High School’, Margao as a part of pre SCIFFI activity by Vidnyan Parishad, Goa on 16th March 2023. Around 55 students from Ravindra Kelekar Dyanmandir and 50 students from Popular High School were present for the session. The topic for the session was ‘Energy Conservation’.
The session began with a SCIFFI promo video. At the start of presentation the non-renewable energy resources, its types, power generation and its effects were introduced. Then the emerging forms of renewable energy were explained along with the initiatives taken by the government in renewable energy. The session ended with a take away message of what small things we as individuals can do in our daily lives in conservation of energy. The students from both the schools were very interactive and enthusiastic throughout the session.