R&D Knowledge Sharing Session on ‘Design of Experiments using Minitab’

The Department of Mechanical Engineering held its monthly Knowledge Sharing Session, under the Research & Development ( R&D ) cell on March 2, 2022 from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm. The session was taken by Prof. Saurabh Raikar on recent trends.
Prof. Saurabh Raikar presented a technical talk titled ‘Design of Experiments using Minitab’. Prof. Saurabh started his session with a simple example on the crispiness of a biscuit purchased from a bakery. The example was understood with Design of Experiments with the help of Minitab software to investigate the crispiness of the biscuits based on probable input factors affecting the crispiness. He further also showed how the model developed could be interpreted in the form of pareto charts, contour plots, response optimization, prediction etc. Additionally, a mechanical domain oriented example on investigation of surface roughness of machined surface was also explained for variation due to various parameters. He concluded the session saying, “Design of Experiments is very well suited for a linear variation, however, non-linear variations could be studied using other techniques such as Response Surface Methodology”.
The session was attended by teaching and technical support staff from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and coordinated by Prof. Harshad Pingulkar.