R&D session held on ‘Infrastructure Agencies in Goa’ & ‘Finite Element Model Updating’

The Civil Engineering department had its ninth session under R&D cell on the 14th December 2021 at 4.00 P.M. The two speakers for this session were Asst. Prof. Satyesh Kakodkar and Asst. Prof. B.R. Anirudha.
Prof. Satyesh presented on ‘Infrastructure Agencies in Goa’. He named the various infrastructure agencies in Goa, namely Public Works Department (PWD), Water Resources Department (WRD), Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation (GSIDC) Limited, Goa State Sewage Infrastructure Development Corporation, Rural Development Agency,Goa Sub-Urban Development Agency, Sports Authority of India, Goa Tourism Development Corporation.
He also described the organizational structure of the WRD which is headed by the Chief Engineer at Head Quarters of Water Resources at SinchalBhavan in Porvorim.
Prof. Anirudha presented on ‘Finite Element Model Updating’. He identified that the need of updating a model may arise due to variation in properties of a real world structure and a computer model. He further explained that a variation in parameters between the real world model and a computer model could result in variation of behaviour. In his study, he analysed a laboratary model for its natural frequencies and modelled it in ANSYS. Operational Modal Analysis was carried out on the laboratory model to extract the frequencieaandmode shapes.
Prof. Anirudha highlighted on the model updating methods viz. Direct Methods and Sensitivity Methods and explained the detailed procedure of model updating. He demonstrated the difference in mode shapes obtained before and after updating the computer model.