Home DBCE News & Events R&D session held on ‘Site Specific Probablistic Seismic Hazard Analysis’ & ‘Trenchless Technology’

R&D session held on ‘Site Specific Probablistic Seismic Hazard Analysis’ & ‘Trenchless Technology’

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The Civil Engineering department had its seventh session under R&D cell on the 1st November 2021 at 4.00 P.M. The two speakers for this session were Asst. Prof. Swaroopa Sail and Asst. Prof. Saddiya Shaikh.

Prof. Saddiya presented on ‘Site Specific Probablistic Seismic Hazard Analysis’. She said that the main goal of this paper was to demonstrate the applicability of PSHA (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis) by minimum criteria of Indian Standard Codes with hard rock as base strata. The structure she considered in her study was in Ponda city (latitudes of 15°39’ and longitude of 74°00’) in Goa, which is along the west coast of the stable intraplatecontinental region of peninsular India. The available seismo-tectonic map for the study zone from the recent studies

was adopted for the analysis. Uniform Hazard Response Spectrum (UHRS) have been developed using ground motion prediction relations (attenuation models) with the help of logic tree approach and R-CRISIS software. The ground motion prediction models used are for shallow crustal intraplate environment. UHRS at rock level for 5% damping and 1, 2, 10, 50 and 75 % probability of exceedance in 50 years were developed for the site location.

She concluded that the events with moment magnitude 4 to 7 are conceded as the study area has no records of an earthquake with magnitude above 6.8. She further concluded that the study was based on the historic data of past earthquakes and fault data which could be updated in future to redefine the seismic hazard of the site.

Prof. Swaroopa presented on ‘Trenchless Technology’. Prof. Swaroopa explained the applications of trenchless technology in underground construction method of installing, repairing and renewing underground pipes, ducts and cables using techniques which minimize or eliminate the need for excavation. She elaborated on the various methods, materials, and equipment used for replacing, rehabilitating, or installing pipes with little or no excavation of the ground above. She highlighted on how it also makes it possible to install the utilities under rivers, highways, canals and other obstacles with no disruption of flow and with minimum or no damage to the environment.


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