R&D Session held on “Wireless Power Transmission”

Department of Science and Humanities held its monthly Knowledge Sharing Session, under R&D cell on January 8, through google meet. The session was taken by Ms .Linda Abuquerque e Almeida
In her session, Ms .Linda explained the concept of wireless power transmission without using any type of the electrical conductor or wires . In her presentation, the different methods of wireless transmission was discussed such as resonant indicative coupling, resonant capacity coupling, microwave, laser etc. The related history of wireless power transmission system and also the related developmental changes were discussed. She quoted that very soon WPT will be used everywhere and we will be free from all the mess of wires.
She highlighted the basic design, the merits and demerits, and the applications of wireless power transmission
The session was coordinated by Mrs. Gladys Da Silva with the encouragement from Head of Department – Dr. Kala Nayak and was well attended by all staff.