As mandated by the AICTE Model Curriculum (RC 2019-20), the Department of Science & Humanities – Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE) conducted a two-week Student Induction Program (SIP) for the newly inducted first year engineering students from 26th September to 7th October 2022. The Induction Programme was co-ordinated by Institute Induction Programme Cell (IIPC) members Ms. Gladys D’Silva & Mr. Harison Cota under the leadership of Dr. Kala Nayak, Registrar & HOD, Department of Science & Humanities. The schedule of the Programme was meticulously prepared keeping in mind the norms and recommendations set in the model curriculum.
Day 1 (26th September 2022)
In the morning session the Mechanical & Civil engineering students were welcomed and addressed by the Director, Fr. Kinley D’Cruz, while in a parallel session the Rector Fr. Ralin De Souza delivered a session on ‘The Don Bosco Spirit’ to the ECS & Computer Engineering students. The Director briefed them about the inception of the college and gave general instructions on discipline and overall behaviour in the institution. He said “We want your four years stay here at DBCE to be a happy and memorable one”.
Fr. Ralin in his session talked about the Preventive system of Don Bosco’s education which he said “is based on three pillars: Reason, Religion & Loving Kindness”.
In the next common session, Pincipal, Dr. Neena Panandikar gave a general overview of the various activities and achievements of the college. She solicited the support of the students saying “You are our important stakeholders, contribute and help us grow.”
In the afternoon session, all the students were engaged in ice-breakers and fun & talent search activities by the counsellors Ms. Elaine Dias & Ms. Mancia Lobo.
Day 2 (27th September 2022)
In the first session Director, Fr. Kinley D’Cruz welcomed the ECS & Computer Engineering students, while Rector Fr. Ralin De Souza engaged the Civil & Mechanical Engineering students.
Training & Placement Officer – Ms. Avila Naik, gave an overview of the career options available to engineering graduates including higher studies and becoming entrepreneurs. She also detailed the activities conducted by the placement cell.
In the afternoon session the students were addressed by faculty from their respective branch on ‘Role of Engineers in Society & Industry’.
This was followed by a session by the heads of the respective departments on Vision, Mission, Accreditation and the various activities and Student Associations / Chapters in the respective department.
Day 3 (28th September 2022)
The day started with a session on Syllabus, Examination and Grading System by Dr. Kala Nayak, Registrar & HOD – Department of Science & Humanities. She also briefed the students about various scholarships they can avail of, and introduced the students to the faculty who would be teaching them in the first semester.
In the afternoon the students were given an insight into the Cultural, Sports, NSS, E-cell, IIC, IEEE, SEEDS, Satellite Club and FSAI activities by the respective In-charges.
Day 4 (29th September 2022
Students of all the four branches had a workshop on Communication Skills conducted by Ms. Jyoti Lewis & Mr. Carlton Fernandes. In the workshop, the students learnt the importance of effective communication and were trained in basic letter writing skills.
In the next hour, the students interacted with the seniors & alumni of the college who shared with them their experiences, success & failure stories.
In the afternoon, the students were given an orientation on the use of Library & e-books by the Librarian Mr. Roland D’Cruz & Library Assistant Ms. Vanessa Fernandes.
Dr. D.S. Vidhya then spoke to them about the NPTEL MOOC courses and the certification through these courses.
Day 5 (30th September 2022)
The day began with a session on “Universal Human Values” by Mr. Selvyn Fernandes in which he highlighted, with practical examples, the difference between the need for physical facilities and right understanding and the need for the latter for harmony in the society.
This was followed by a session on “Time Management” by Counsellor Ms. Elaine Dias in which she gave practical ways of effectively planning their daily schedule and study time.
Counsellor- Ms. Mancia Lobo explained the mentoring process, its importance and modalities.
Day 6 (03rd October 2022)
The first day of the second week of the orientation programme began with a session on “Attitude & Teamwork” given by Mr. Ramchandra Prabhu Salgaonkar, Founder, Amaze Warriors. Through his interactive audio-visual session Mr. Salgaonkar highlighted the importance of having a positive attitude and the essentials of working in a team.
Students were then taken on a field visit to IPSHEM-ONGC, Betul. The students were shown around the Fire Safety Display Room. Mr. Alok Kumar explained the various types of fire extinguishers and gave the students a hands-on training using them.
Day 7 (04th October 2022)
The day started with a lively and interactive session on Meditation & Yoga conducted by Guru Bharat Gaude from Oorja Wellness Centre, Margao. He demonstrated various breathing & meditative exercises and explained their importance to relieve stress and increase concentration.
This was followed by a talk on Health & Nutrition by Dr. Joline Fernandes, Immunity, Lifestyle & Wellness Consultant. Dr. Joline, in her talk, emphasised that “it is important to eat to be healthy rather than to have a good physique”.
In the afternoon session faculty from respective branches showed and explained the students the various ‘Innovative Projects’ done by the previous batches of BE students and also the possible future projects in the respective fields.
This was followed by a session on ‘Substance Abuse’ by Sub-Inspector Ms. Priyanka Sawant from Anti-Narcotics Cell Police Station, Panjim. Ms. Sawant, through a video documentary explained the various types of drugs, the harmful effects of using them, and how to avoid falling prey to drug addiction.
Day 8 (06th October 2022)
In an interesting session, Dr. Vivek Jog from Department of Computer Engineering, enlightened the students about cybercrime & security and told them, with real life examples, about the precautions we need to take while engaging in social media and online transactions.
The next session was by Ms. Poonan Shirsat, Founder Director, The Skill Company. Ms. Shirsat, in her lively session, helped the students to identify problems and challenges in their lives and to “face them with a smile”.
A scientific calculator is an essential tool for every engineering student and it is equally important to know the proper use of its various functions. Keeping this in mind, a hands-on workshop on the use of scientific calculator was conducted for the FE students in the afternoon session by Dr. Kala Nayak who was assisted by Mr. Saurabh Raikar, Mr. Aniket Naik & Mr. B.R. Anirudha.
Day 9 (07th October 2022)
In the morning session, Dr. Goretti Simoes e Moraes, Assistant Professor from GR Kare College of Law, Margao, delivered a session on ‘Basic Rights & Responsibilities of Citizens’. In her session, Dr. Goretti elaborated “each individual has certain basic rights and it is the responsibility of every other individual to respect these basic rights”. She explained the basic rights enshrined in the Constitution of India.
In the next session on ‘Forum for Innovation Incubation Research Entrepreneurship-FiiRE’, Mr. Thejus Joseph, Chief Operating Officer, FIIRE, explained the process of Business Idea Startup and Incubation and how a small idea can grow into a successful business model with the support of FiiRE.
In the afternoon, after a short feedback and photo session, faculty from respective departments gave information about their department and laboratories and then took the students for a tour of the college showing them their classrooms, workshops, laboratories and the FiiRE campus.