Report on “Circuit Simulation and Analysis using Proteus and TinkerCAD”

A one day workshop on “Circuit Simulation and Analysis using Proteus and TinkerCAD” was conducted for the Second year-Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering students on November 13, 2021 under DBEATS Student’s Council, Don Bosco College of Engineering, Goa. The main objective of this workshop was to design, simulate and analyze electronic circuits using industry oriented software like Proteus and TinkerCAD.
Asst. Prof Yeshudas Muttu began the session by explaining the importance of software simulation and said “Software circuit implementation is a good practice before mounting it using hardware devices”. This was followed by simulation of various RC circuits, Amplifier, Automatic light detector circuit using LDR, etc. using Proteus software.
The afternoon session was conducted by Asst. Prof. Melba D’souza. In her session, she explained about various libraries involved in TinkerCAD simulation platform. Use of input and output devices, simulation of various analog circuits, implementation of logic gates and Boolean expressions were demonstrated using TinkerCad Circuits platform.
To encourage project based learning, the students were asked to work on a Mini project using both the softwares. It was a very good experience and the students showed a lot of interest in learning and working on the circuits during the workshop. The workshop was conducted by Asst. Prof. Melba D’souza and Asst. Prof. Yeshudas Muttu.